Development Progress

Currently on Project SS1 I have gotten a few things working (maybe not the way I want them to but they at least do something). After I get some more work done on some procedural generation I will pick up on the physics system. I can promise some details later but I really don’t like explaining as much as I like to show (meaning when I have some graphics I will be more willing to let you know where things are at).

*Looks at to-do list*

So I have never really worked with a to-do list simply for the fact that I never realized how much it helps you to stay focused on what you need to get done instead of just programming on random things. Seeing things that I wanted to accomplish that I actually did brings so much more sanity to my life instead of just randomly attacking parts and not really finishing anything at all.


I feel like I can let this slip through:

I am working on procedurally generated rooms, from the furniture in it, to where doors are placed. Being a pretty smart guy I realized that there is a lot of data that you can use to determine what goes into a room and where; so I realized that using bytes to represent these chunks of data was the smartest way to go. I have determined that each of these chunks of data were to be called codes (or seeds), the world will generate these codes on the fly and then each code will be read by the room to determine what will contain.

Probably one day I will have all of the codes combined into a single blotch of bytes to be read at once, but for right now I have them split up into sections based off of what kind of information they represent:

  1. (byte) doorCode - used to determine where doors are placed in a room if it has any doors in it at all.
  2. (byte) furnishCode - [currently not established yet] but it will be used to determine the placement of household objects.

There are more codes for a room but any other codes will give up information I don’t want to let out right now.

I’ll have something good for you guys soon enough! 

1 note


  1. makosanode-blog posted this