May 20, 2013
Massive Tornado Hits Oklahoma; Right Wing Mocks, Talks ‘Tornado Control’



Listen, I realize everyone has their own ways to deal with tragedy. I’m definitely not one to say “this is not time to politicize.” Everything is political and everything that happens within our government has an impact on how we live with our every day lives. For example, it is most definitely OK to make the relevant observation that the federal government will thankfully provide aid and relief to the poor victims of today’s massive tornadoes in Oklahoma meanwhile Oklahoma US Senators Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe had voted against federal relief and aid for Hurricane Sandy victims.

I’m also not one who gets up in arms when people crack a wise ass remark. However, it takes a special kind of asshole to see that children are among the casualties and then somehow compare an unpreventable natural disaster to, say, a school shooting…








To those who may not understand what they’re getting at, it’s OK. Because they know exactly who to suck up to to get a pat on their head and a “good boy!”



And sometimes we’ll even be blessed with this sort of intellectual observation from pundits like Fox News contributor Erick Erickson!


Because a “scandal” in which the IRS looked into Tea Party groups to see if they fit the criteria for tax exemption is totally at the same level as a national disaster with a death toll still rising.

I don’t even understand how a tornado hitting is even remotely close to gun control, talking about gun control, about bills, or any of that.

God damn, do people just get dumber by the day or what

Hahaha, children are dead, just like that other national tragedy, what an opportune moment to make a wisecrack!

(via notlikeanyone-givesafuck)

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    do these people realize how fucking stupid they sound? I mean really? Because a natural disaster is directly correlated...
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