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I wish I could say I didn’t see this coming.

When the Goldieblox video went viral about a week ago (it now has more than 8 million views) I thought the combination of a positive social message and a unique spin on the popular Beastie Boys song “Girls” was a win-win. It empowered girls and…

Lots of parents have posted the Goldblox video. And I’ll admit it, I was taken in by the adorable engineers-in-the-making (never-mind the fact that the product is still pink and purple…barf.) However, the use of the Beastie Boys’ song “Girls” without permission is seriously problematic. They claim that their video is parody and not advertisement. Who are they kidding? I don’t know a single person who saw that video as anything other than a clever ad. Anyhow, if your are curious about the story and why it is messed up, this is a great analysis.

(via )

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