October 24, 2012
“ Spent another hour updating the pictures on my dead format. This is my favorite thing Blink did. I don’t like anything after Enema that much. They did these songs just before Dude Ranch and one ended up being on it. I only have this...


Spent another hour updating the pictures on my dead format. This is my favorite thing Blink did. I don’t like anything after Enema that much. They did these songs just before Dude Ranch and one ended up being on it. I only have this one copy and its probably 10th press or something (Nobody really knows) but someday I’ll probably start collecting colors of this just because I like it and not because any of them are rare or anything.

  • Blink-182-They Came to Conquer…Uranus on Translucent Pink

If you like these bands or record and tape collecting you can follow me here.

I have this on translucent blue, one of my favorite 7s I own

4:51pm  |   URL: https://tmblr.co/Z-BDQxVwBNBg
Filed under: vinyl blink 182 pop punk 
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    I have this on translucent blue, one of my favorite 7s I own
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