1. hours at minimum wage to afford rent
“ songofsarcasm:
“ breelandwalker:
“ rotifers:
“ etherealspacewitch:
“ fatanarchy:
“ Good luck affording a place to live. Forget being able to fucking eat “healthy” like you’re “supposed to”...

    hours at minimum wage to afford rent







    Good luck affording a place to live. Forget being able to fucking eat “healthy” like you’re “supposed to” (aka, morally obligated to).

    in hawaii, you have to work 2 more hours in a week than exists in a week to pay rent

    Anyone who puts in an honest 40 hours of work per week, regardless of the skill level of the job, ought to be paid at least enough to keep a roof over their head and afford vital expenses like food and health care. This country has betrayed the working class, and it’s absolutely inexcusable.

    Putting this out there for all the assholes who don’t think minimum wage should cover living expenses.

    Like 80% of my income goes to rent (and I have a roommate) and I moved to a place where rent is literally hundreds of dollars cheaper than it is where I used to live.  

    Hahaha this fucking state. I’m not even minimum-wage and rent still sucks up most of my money. It’s awful.

    And I’d heard Puerto Rico was the only place in the US where you could work a forty-hour week on minimum wage and still, you know, survive, but apparently even that’s not true (anymore?).


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