Couldn’t Stump Me… - REDUX!

BlackBerry 10 Cascades Blamo User Interface

**NOTICE: Coding for this tutorial was from Cascades Beta2 (R6), I am in the process of updating the tutorials to match the new APIs for Beta3 (R9)***

When I first created this blog, I figured only a handful people would read it and it would be awhile before anyone even found it.  But apparently word got out much wider and faster than expected.  Which is awesome, and hope everyone has enjoyed my postings so far.

So when I made the “Couldn’t Stump Me” UI it was just a little challenge for myself and I didn’t put much thought into making it the best it could be.  Well, now that I have an audience I figured I’d give it some more bells and whistles.

First things first, those colors were awful. Honestly I just wanted something that had a high contrast so I could easily see while I was creating it.  So that was a simple fix of changing “background: Color.create(X, X, X)”

Next, by popular request switch the diagonal list to a ListView.  I had to create custom components for each list call because the defaults were too big and resulted in the titles/descriptions being cut off, ex. “Bold 9…”

Third, I made the app orientation aware (as illustrated in the picture above).  As you can see the text changes from saying “Orientation: portrait” to “Orientation: landscape”.  As well as the main container (which houses two sub containers: blamobox and bottombox) switches from “LayoutDirection.TopToBottom” to “LayoutDirection.LeftToRight”.  I know this isn’t much of an explanation, I will do a full Orientation Awareness blog soon!



P.S. And the image is true… I’m GOING TO BB JAM AMERICAS and Sept 25th is my B-day so double awesome for me!!


import bb.cascades 1.0

Page {
    content: Container {
        id: rootcontainerlayout
        background: Color.create(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
        onCreationCompleted: {
            OrientationSupport.supportedDisplayOrientation = SupportedDisplayOrientation.All;
        attachedObjects: [
            OrientationHandler {
                onUiOrientationChanging: {
                    if (uiOrientation == UiOrientation.Landscape) {
                        orientationtext.text = " Orientation: landscape"
                        layouts.layoutDirection = LayoutDirection.LeftToRight
                    } else {
                        orientationtext.text = " Orientation: portrait"
                        layouts.layoutDirection = LayoutDirection.TopToBottom
            } // End of OrientationHandler
        ] // End of attachedObjects
        layout: StackLayout {
            id: layouts
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.TopToBottom
        Container {
            id: blamobox
            background: Color.create(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
            preferredWidth: 768.0
            preferredHeight: 800.0
            layout: DockLayout {
            Label {
                text: "MAKE"
                rotationZ: -90.0
                translationY: 85.0
                translationX: -20.0
                textStyle {
                    size: 40
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                    color: Color.White
            Label {
                text: "THIS!"
                translationX: 65.0
                translationY: 5.0
                textStyle {
                    size: 40
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                    color: Color.White
            Container {
                background: Color.create(0.7, 0.1, 0.1)
                preferredWidth: 650.0
                preferredHeight: 700.0
                translationY: 50.0
                layout: DockLayout {
                layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                Container {
                    rotationZ: -45.0
                    translationY: 80.0
                    translationX: 20.0
                    Button {
                        id: buttonID
                        text: "Blamo!"
                        onClicked: {
                        preferredWidth: 250.0
                Container {
                    rotationZ: -45.0
                    preferredWidth: 300.0
                    translationY: 465.0
                    translationX: 425.0
                    Label {
                        text: "New Design:"
                        textStyle {
                            color: Color.White
                            size: 25
                    Label {
                        text: "Diagonal ListView"
                        textStyle {
                            color: Color.White
                            size: 25
                    Label {
                        text: "Orientation Aware!"
                        textStyle {
                            color: Color.White
                            size: 25
                Container {
                    background: Color.White
                    preferredWidth: 400.0
                    preferredHeight: 700.0
                    layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    translationY: -350.0
                    translationX: 350.0
                    rotationZ: 45.0
                Container {
                    background: Color.White
                    preferredWidth: 400.0
                    preferredHeight: 700.0
                    layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    translationY: 350.0
                    rotationZ: 45.0
                    translationX: -350.0
                Container {
                    background: Color.White
                    preferredWidth: 400.0
                    layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                    rotationZ: 45.0
                    ListView {
                        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                            source: "models/phones.xml"
                        layout: StackListLayout {
                            // layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.ToptoBottom
                        listItemComponents: [
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "header"
                                Container {
                                    background: Color.White
                                    preferredWidth: maxWidth
                                    rotationZ: -45.0
                                    topMargin: 50.0
                                    Label {
                                        text: ""
                                        // text: ListItemData.title
                                        textStyle {
                                            base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                            size: 20
                                            fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                            color: Color.Black
                            ListItemComponent {
                                type: "item"
                                Container {
                                    background: Color.White
                                    preferredWidth: maxWidth
                                    rotationZ: -45.0
                                    layout: StackLayout {
                                        layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.LeftToRight
                                        topPadding: 50.0
                                    Container {
                                        ImageView {
                                            id: imageViewID
                                            imageSource: ListItemData.thumbURL
                                            preferredWidth: 100
                                            preferredHeight: 100
                                            scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFill
                                    Container {
                                        Label {
                                            text: ListItemData.title
                                            textStyle {
                                                base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                                size: 40
                                                fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                                                color: Color.Black
                                        Label {
                                            text: ListItemData.description
                                            textStyle {
                                                base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BodyText
                                                size: 20
                                                fontWeight: FontWeight.Regular
                                                color: Color.Black
                                        Divider {
                        onSelectionChanged: {
                        rotationZ: 0.0
        Container {
            id: bottombox
            Label {
                id: orientationtext
                text: ""
                textStyle {
                    size: 40
                    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                    color: Color.White
            ImageView {
                id: imageBBJam
                imageSource: "asset:///images/banner-americas-300x100.jpg"
                preferredWidth: width
                preferredHeight: height

phones.xml (phone list repeated twice on purpose so the list would be longer while testing scrolling):

    <header title="Phones">
        <item  title=" Dev Alpha" thumbURL="images/devalpha.jpg" description=" Touch"/>
        <item  title=" Bold 9900" thumbURL="images/9900.jpg" description=" Touch+QWERTY"/>
        <item  title=" Torch 9810" thumbURL="images/9810.jpg" description=" Touch+QWERTY (Slider)"/>
        <item  title=" Style 9670" thumbURL="images/9670.jpg" description=" QWERTY"/>
        <item  title=" Pearl 9100" thumbURL="images/9100.jpg" description=" SureType"/>
        <item  title=" Curve 8900" thumbURL="images/8900.jpg" description=" QWERTY"/>
        <item  title=" Dev Alpha" thumbURL="images/devalpha.jpg" description=" Touch"/>
        <item  title=" Bold 9900" thumbURL="images/9900.jpg" description=" Touch+QWERTY"/>
        <item  title=" Torch 9810" thumbURL="images/9810.jpg" description=" Touch+QWERTY (Slider)"/>
        <item  title=" Style 9670" thumbURL="images/9670.jpg" description=" QWERTY"/>
        <item  title=" Pearl 9100" thumbURL="images/9100.jpg" description=" SureType"/>
        <item  title=" Curve 8900" thumbURL="images/8900.jpg" description=" QWERTY"/>
