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    This week in Amalfi was a whirlwind, it feels like we had just arrived and then we had to leave. After traveling all day Tuesday, car, plane, train, train, car and then we finally arrive in Paradise.

    it was breathtaking.


    By comparison to the other amazing sights I’ve seen the Amalfi coast stands out. The history and the persistence of the people to endure is evident, in architecture, culture, and products.

    The US borrowed the feel in the fifties after World War II and La Dolce Vita, you can see remants of our past beach towns in their current beach towns. As their towns have always been…


    The italians fight the tourists by vehicle on a small stretch of road that runs along the coast. There will be common standoffs between buses, motos, and cars when approaching turns or heading down a narrow road


    To have and ride a motorcycle along that coast … now thats just been added to my bucket list

    1. commonladybug posted this
    Monday, 16 of June, 2014
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