Open Media Boston [on Tumblr]

“ (Photo) The amount that students owe quintupled between 2000 and 2011.
Education should be free, not a cash cow for bankers squeezing money out of hard-working students.


(Photo) The amount that students owe quintupled between 2000 and 2011.

 Education should be free, not a cash cow for bankers squeezing money out of hard-working students.

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  3. neonzephyrooc reblogged this from motherjones and added:
    Like this, apparently. And I just lost a decent-sized scholarship because I changed my major. This is depressing.
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    #this, #fml,
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    Not that I’m posing any solutions here, but what exactly are we going to do about it? In Santiago de Chile, they have...
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    if all students demanded costs of tuition to go down then universities/colleges would have to take notice, we can reduce...
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