Lawsuit: Wrong sperm delivered to lesbian couple


This is a staunch reminder that white queer people are, in fact, white.

So this white lesbian couple decided to have child together using a sperm bank.

The white dude they selected was ID number 380. The sperm bank gave them ID number 330, some black dude’s sperm.

One of the women gave birth to a biracial baby named Payton.

They were super-disappointed because they live in an all-white community and never even met any African Americans until they went to college. So giving birth to a biracial baby is making their lives incredibly hard and stressful.

First, let’s just keep it real: Though the baby is technically biracial, everyone is reacting to the child as though she were black. So I’m going to use the term they actually mean rather than the political correct one they’re using as a cover.

“On August 21, 2012, Jennifer gave birth to Payton, a beautiful, obviously mixed-race baby girl,” the lawsuit states. “Jennifer bonded with Payton easily and she and Amanda love her very much. Even so, Jennifer lives each day with fears, anxieties and uncertainty about her future and Payton’s future.”

Look at how the lawsuit talks about Payton, like they found a baby monkey from the future in a rocket ship that crash landed in some remote location. Like this shit is Planet of the Apes and Payton is Cesar.

And then this bullshit:

“Raising a mixed-race daughter has been stressful in Cramblett and Zinkon’s small, all-white community, according to the suit. Cramblett was raised around people with stereotypical attitudes about nonwhites, the lawsuit states, and did not know African-Americans until she attended college at the University of Akron.

“Because of this background and upbringing, Jennifer acknowledges her limited cultural competency relative to African-Americans and steep learning curve, particularly in small, homogenous Uniontown, which she regards as too racially intolerant,” the lawsuit states.

Here’s the thing that makes me angry with Missy Anne and Millie Sue:

They were just fine with living in a racially intolerant, anti-black town when they then could be racially intolerant and anti-black right along with everybody else and pretty much blend in. But the moment they became raced as a result of a child who is a part of a race that they didn’t even come in contact with except through television and college; the moment THEY were fitting to be the victims of the town’s racial intolerance, THEN it became a problem.

And the white supremacy just continues to snowball.

They have to ACTUALLY travel to black neighborhoods to get Payton’s hair done. They don’t know the first thing about dealing with Negro hair and traveling to black neighborhoods is SUPER-SCARY!!!!!

They are so frightened of Payton having to meet their families and go to the town’s schools, that they are suffering severe anxiety.

I personally don’t think, based on the way Payton is discussed in the lawsuit, that they are actually concerned about Payton’s well-being per se. I think it makes for a sympathetic narrative to pretend that they are thinking primarily of Payton’s safety and well-being.

However, I think what they are really concerned about is how THEY are going to be perceived and treated as the parents of a Dreaded Black Child, and the hardships THEY will have to face as a result of how Payton is going to be scorned and abused.

Missy Anne says that while she had been able to largely hide her homosexuality from her family, who still haven’t fully accepted it, Payton can’t hide her Blackness, so whatever are they going to do????

Well, the therapist recommended that they move to a more diverse neighborhood. SO many years of dreaming of White Christmases just completely fucking SHATTERED!


What’s missing from this entire discussion?

How the parents are going to EDUCATE THEMSELVES on how they can be BETTER PARENTS to Payton, particularly in regard to her racial and cultural identities. Instead, the parents and everyone involved are going on and on about how difficult it is to raise a black child. Nothing about how they are going to take some personal responsibility in ensuring that Payton is raised in fullness. Nothing about how they are going to sacrifice their ignorance in the interest of their DAUGHTER.

Actually—they are talking about Payton almost as if she is NOT their daughter.


So they are suing the sperm bank to get the cash they need to move as well as compensation for all the trauma and heartbreak giving birth to a black child causes. All they really wanted was a white child that would ensure their continued membership in the racially intolerant town. Was that too much to ask??? Whitewashed Jesus, anything but BLACK!!!!

“Wrongful birth.” What the fuck does THAT mean?

I don’t care what nobody say:

They’ve become black by association and parentage.

THAT is what I think they are attempting to escape.

I am glad, however, that the naked truth about Whiteness and who participates in it is so out in the open.

Especially for the fools who think racism in white queer communities isn’t really an issue.

Oshun, please take Payton away from these folks and place her in a space and with people who will adore her, lift her up, praise her, and handle her warmly.


(H/T Mohamed Sesay)



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