Treat Meals on the metabolic balance Plan

Over the last few weeks, we have been focusing on the metabolic balance plan and the different phases you will travel through as you adjust to healthy eating. Today, we are focusing on one of the tools used to keep you on track. The treat meal.
The treat meals are normally added during phase three of the program and should happen no more than once a week.
Many times, a treat meal is associated with an evening or a celebration but there is always ways to plan for the occasion. Sylvia Egel offers the following suggestions for your treat meal preparation and planning.
Prepare for the treat meal by reviewing the menu and making your food choices in advance. By being prepared, you can try and control how far off program you go and alter your eating for the rest of the day. For example, if you are going to a restaurant but have not seen the menu, Sylvia suggests eating proteins that you wouldn’t eat at a restaurant for your other meals (such as eggs). Making this kind of choice allows you more flexibility when you’re reviewing the menu and you avoid eating twice from the same protein group.
Drink lots of water before and after the meal.
Always start your meal with a protein. When you are at a celebration or someone’s house, you may not be in control as to how food is served to you. Be prepared and carry seeds with you so that if you must, you can eat seeds before eating the first course. There doesn’t need to be a waiting time between when you eat the seeds and the meal. Just make sure protein is the first thing to hit your stomach. (If you are offered a glass of wine, champagne or any beverage other than water, make sure to start with a bit of protein).
Next Thursday we will be posting information on Rebalancing on the metabolic balance plan. If you missed our post about phase 3 click here.
[photo used with cc permission from @rgs]
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