June 1, 2014
From WWI in Photos: Soldiers and Civilians, one of 45 photos. French soldiers stand in a relaxed group wearing medals. The medals appear to be the Military Medal, established on 25th March, 1916, for acts of bravery. They have probably been awarded...

From WWI in Photos: Soldiers and Civilians, one of 45 photos. French soldiers stand in a relaxed group wearing medals. The medals appear to be the Military Medal, established on 25th March, 1916, for acts of bravery. They have probably been awarded for their part in the Battle of the Somme. The French helmets, with their very distinct crests, can be seen clearly. (National Library of Scotland)

Today’s entry is part 6 of a 10-part series on World War I, which will be posted every Sunday until June 29.

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