I Think Robin Thicke May have Self Esteem Issues...

I finally listened to Thicke's "Blurred Lines," which has come under fire for being "rapey" - it's an argument I don't really buy (it's definitely misogynist - trying to domesticate you? GROSS). I think it's all about sexual play in a weird porny way - but I think it's just in a sad, boyish way. In a spoiled, too cool for school, bratty sort of way. But I would be too if my dad were 


I also think this sounds like Justin Timberlake circa 2007, except I think Thicke tries way too hard to be relevant and interesting. 

I know the video is supposed to be tongue and cheek...but it still struck me as full of signs that Thicke is in need of hugs (do they make adult human Thundershirts?)

In a four and a half minute video, he hashtags his name a ridiculous amount. Now I'm sure the plan was to get people trending...but let me just lay it out


26 prolonged shots BEGGING at this point for you, the audience member, to trend this guy. To not even talk about him...just say his name, reference him - FOR FUCK'S SAKE - HASHTAG ME!!!!

I can't help but notice the ways this video tries to make Robin Thicke interesting - TO DO SO, you need a stark white background, little to no props (not including the lady models who DO NOTHING - they barely dance, which is really a kick in the vagina to video vixens of the past), and to only briefly cut to T.I. and Pharrell, who are the two most dynamic parts of this video. 

The video also screams forced fun - everybody is trying real hard to be full of whimsy, but that goat's face is telling you exactly how this shoot feels. 

In terms of representation: 

Both Pharrell and T.I. mug for the camera in ways that make me feel uncomfortable, mostly because they are doing all of the work, while Thicke stands in the background wondering if he should unbutton another button (YES). 

And then for whatever reason...T.I. is brushing this woman's hair - which again is kind of weird as we consider the significance of a white woman literally on a pedestal getting her hair brushed by a black man (I bet Baraka would have something to say about this). I also don't understand ...is this sexy? interesting? I don't know...I just... don't know. I mean, he looks like he could be getting a boner...but I just don't...

Robin Thicke also blows smoke in this lady's face...

BIIIIITCH - Do not blow smoke in my face. That is not sexy. That is mean. Even when I smoked I would be pissed. That is so rude. RUDE. Get the fuck out of here. She even coughs a little...because you know








Fuck that shit. SHUT IT DOWN. 

  So all of this to try and prove Robin Thicke is not a  boring bore with a smooth voice (REMEMBER...REMEMBER...when he got busted for pot? what a hardened dude)...and I guess this is what he thinks American pop music should be or is? It's got a fairly solid beat, but G-SUS. 

  I guess the point is that if you have to be so explicit, you're not just lying to us...but to yourself as well. I don't read this as a parody and so far, I haven't heard anybody claim the video as such. And if it is, it's not a good one - nothing is mocked - except non-white, non-male people.

The actions trying to look "cool" are often the saddest. We all know the people who try real hard. The woman who acts as if acting like she's cool with him fucking other chicks, will prove to him, she's bring home to mom material. The bro-gade who walks in pods wearing the same button down, chain necklace, and AXE body spray combination in order to prove how they aren't in the least nervous of rejection. The people who are proud of never crying, because they fear vulnerability. 

These are also all relationships constructed through and by power- these models act fine as smoke is blown in their face, they are oggled rather creepily, and are simply beautiful props - they get paid, sure (and I bet it's a great gig), but in essence consent to the standards of beauty that have allowed them to do so - and by being complacent help circulate the continuing ideologies women are objects, dolls, and dummies. This video is a good illustration, I think, of hegemony and ideology - of the ways in which something seemingly innocuous (and not very good) infiltrates our lives. And how "we're just having fun and a good time," is a great way to divert attention from the fact you're kind of a dick. 

Feel free to question the wizard and peek behind the curtain. If he has to be so explicit, he is attempting to fool us, the audience, but mostly himself. 

And on top if it all they misspelled "IS". Ludicrous. 

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