97 Days until Le Grand Depart. We’ll be sharing 100 stories from the last 100 years, a design per day until the greatest show on earth begins.
A Miscellany of Le Tour de France - day 4
1906 Here’s confidence for you.
René Pottier was leading by a...

97 Days until Le Grand Depart.  We’ll be sharing 100 stories from the last 100 years, a design per day until the greatest show on earth begins.

A Miscellany of Le Tour de France - day 4

1906 Here’s confidence for you.

René Pottier was leading by a mighty one hour by the 5th Stage so decided to take full advantage of a local tabac and ordered a bottle of wine.

Sensing the peloton approaching, he finished the bottle quickly, jumped back on his bike and with wobbly legs still managed to win the stage.


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