Daily musings, information, and cracks about the American media, curated by Jonathan Groves, journalist and associate professor at Drury University.
Longer musings are available at my full blog.


At this point, fully a quarter of the 952 U.S. television stations that air newscasts do not produce their news programs. Additional stations have sharing arrangements where much of their content is produced outside their own newsroom.

The impact on the consumer seems to vary from market to market, with some markets increasing potential reach by airing news on stations that never had it – even if that newscast is the same one that airs on another local station.

—Pew Research Center, State of the News Media 2014

Each March, the Pew Research Center’s Journalism Project (formerly the Project for Excellence in Journalism) puts out its comprehensive State of the News Media report.

This year’s report features a host of insights, but one in particular caught my eye: Local television news viewership is on the rise. 

If we’re watching it more, we should expect more than crime coverage and YouTube highlights from our local news stations. Let’s hope they embrace the larger audience more responsibly.

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