Utter Madelines

We dream of cats and socialism
“ kararikue:
“ altersociety:
“ kateceratops:
“ People are giving Wilson money to thank him for killing an unarmed black teenager. Please report this to GoFundMe, as it violates their Terms of Service and they get 5% of the tens of...





People are giving Wilson money to thank him for killing an unarmed black teenager. Please report this to GoFundMe, as it violates their Terms of Service and they get 5% of the tens of thousands of dollars being donated. Click to report.

This is my message, in case you want to copy and paste:

Your Terms of Service prohibit “items that promote… hate, racial intolerance, or the financial exploitation of a crime.” Take a look at the comments that come with the donations on this page and tell me that doesn’t violate your terms. “Support Officer Wilson” is a thin veil for people rewarding Wilson for killing a black kid.

Reporting this fuck out of this racist shit.

Done. It takes like a minute. Fuck this white asshole and his racists supporters. He shouldn’t profit 200k from killing a black child.

Please boost and report. It really takes only minutes to do. 

(via misandry-mermaid)

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