Daddy Day Care


It’s funny how Tumblr talks about gender equality and all that jazz but I’ve never once seen anything about Daddy Day Care.

They were called “Sickos” for being an “all men” run daycare.

Eddie Murphy actually asked the man “don’t you think men can do what women can do?” And the man said “no absolutely not.”

But when women came, they said it was disgusting. And Eddie Murphy said “but wait aren’t you for all that equal rights stuff?” And the woman said “Yeah but”

Yes, there’s more discrimination against women but there’s a lot of discrimination against men too. You literally have 2 stay at home dad’s (even though that’s cause they got fired) and 2 wives that work. The wives took the role as the “man” while the men took the role as the “woman.”

Also, it’s not only a movie breaking the normal standards of a woman being a care taker, but it’s breaking the standards of a black man taking that role. And race having played no role in the movie, just like everyone wants it.
So why aren’t we praising this movie?

Oh right, because it’s about people thinking men are wrong, not women.

I would say it’s less that, and more  pretty much everyone forgetting that movie ever existed (it did come out at a time when a lot of bad movies did, after all (summer 2003)). Especially since I see many blogs on here, including ones I follow, talk about men being treated unfairly because of gender stereotypes. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

(via punkof-pop-deactivated20181219)

feminism gender roles gender role bullshit women are not out to get men