
Observations from my trip to Turkey

I have had a very pleasant trip to Turkey not too long ago. I spent most of my time with the family and eating my favorite Turkish food. In between all the eating, I could not help notice how far Turkey had come over the last 10 years under the AKP regime. It was quite astounding actually, the economy is booming:

Tax revenue is high, foreign investment is pouring into the country, unemployment is low and the sovereign borrowing rate is very favorable - lowest it has ever been. People seem happy and on the streets enjoying life. I was told that the AKP party gets over 51% of the votes in a general election but has over 70% approval rating. Those who don’t vote for Erdogan mainly do not approve his foreign policy or fundamentalist views but agree with his economic policies.

A couple amazing tid bits:

Most school kids have Android tablets with all their school books. Teachers get grants to write new learning programs and the plan is to have 100% of all school age kids on this program by end of 2013.

All medical records are electronic and the nationalized health care system works well. You get to your assigned doctor to get dispatched to a specialist if needed. Your prescription is available at any pharmacy of your choice all for $5 equivalent. ALl you need is your national identification card.

I am sure my information is spotty at best but there is no denying that something special is going on there.