Forever Fearless, Red xo

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| Kat | She/Her | 25 | Trainee Lawyer | London |

Oh I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world and make Taylor Swift, Elle Woods, Leslie Knope, Octavia Blake, Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova, and Amy Santiago proud.

Wattpad: FearlessRed

Twitter: @murphsskairipa

    When you first heard that Taylor was nominated for 14 BBMAs

    When you first heard that Taylor was nominated for 14 BBMAs

    — 9 years ago with 1537 notes
    #Taylor swift  #Swifties  #swiftie  #bbmas  #14 nominations  #holy guacamole 
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      Bringing this back:When you first see the pictures of Taylor and Tom
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