Beachbody Before & After Pics

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Seth lost 103 lbs and 13 inches off his waist!

I had finally just had enough. I was sitting around one night finishing off a bag of chips that had just been opened and realized I needed to do to something. I was 20 years old, in college and was supposed to be having the time of my life. Instead I was always resorting to activities to distort my perception on life so I didn’t have to pay attention to it. I would always say I resorted to that because “real life sucks.” I didn’t want to feel like that anymore. I knew I could do better than that. It was time to stop making excuses for myself. I knew for a long time that there was supposed to be something different about my life. Getting healthy and focusing on my self improvement was the first step toward figuring out what it was. I wanted things to be different and I finally realized for that to happen I had to take action.

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