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Body Scrub Bliss

Well, here we are.  It’s the dead of winter. The holidays are over and long gone are the picturesque, fresh white snow blanketing the city.  Instead, we’re met with the reality of dirty piles of snow to maneuvur through and the realization that hats, scarves and gloves are no longer fashion statement options, but critical necessities to protect you from the cold. Oh and the winds…the brutal brutal winds - there is  no mercy to your once supple skin and you stand there defenseless wondering, how am I going to keep by skin from getting dry, cracked and ashy. I want supple skin!

So, just how do you get rid of dry, scaly skin and keep moisture throughout these cold months? 

Well, the answer is here. Body Scrubs!


A scrub can make the difference between tough, dry, cracked skin and baby-bottom, smooth skin. Using a scrub once a week along with your daily moisturizing routine can help get rid of dead skin while locking in moisture longer. Check out some of our favorite body scrubs for the shoppers and DIY-ers.


Pooka Pomegranate Sugar Body Polish ; $22

One of our favorite brands.  We featured Dawn, the founder and her Sugar Body Polish in one of our first boxes!



LUSH Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub ; $21.95 - $35.95 



Tree Hut Shea Sugar Body Scrub ; $7.49



Frank Orignal Coffee Body Scrub ; $14.95

Shop Frank Body

For all you do it yourself-ers are some recipes for a perfect body scrub. 


Visit Food + Words for the recipe 


Visit Beauty Blunders for the recipe 


Visit the Beauty Department for more recipes

Happy Scrubbing!