September 12, 2014
Gov. Walker Declares Oct. 11th Peak Color in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker

To resolve color peeper confusion and increase tourism dollars in Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker, after consulting with DNR Secretary Cathy Stepp, has declared that Wisconsin’s trees must achieve peak fall color for the weekend of October 10th, through the 12th, 2014.  The Governor got the idea recently while watching the 1967 musical “Camelot” in which King Arthur, played by Sir Richard Harris, sang such lyrics as “A law was made a distant moon ago here: July and August cannot be too hot. And there’s a legal limit to the snow here. In Camelot.” Walker was quoted as saying, “Well, if a king of England can control the weather, I certainly can!”

Thanks to this declaration, color watchers can now plan their vacations without fear of missing peak color on every tree in all Wisconsin State Parks. Chamber of Commerce offices around the state praise this declaration as eliminating the confusion of natural weather processes and saving hundreds of hours having to explain to callers that there is no exact “peak color” weekend in Wisconsin.  

Wisconsin Dells waterpark owners are hoping that the Governor will continue to take his que from Camelot and declare that “The rain may never fall till after sundown.” before the 2015 summer season begins….


Now of course, this is all satire.  But anyone who has worked in the tourism field long enough has faced the phone call where they are asked exactly when the fall colors will peak and had to take the brunt of the callers frustration when they try to explain that we can’t really guarantee a peak color date.

For fall color information in our area, check out our Fall Colors in the Baraboo Hills page right here.

from Devil’s Lake State Park Visitors Guide

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Filed under: wisconsin