February 7, 2012

Verb. When two or more ideas are combined into one. 

Suggested Usage: “There was an incredible amount of cross-pollination at yesterday’s meeting. In fact, we took Bill’s idea of marketing to the Togolese market together with Jill’s idea of the new maraca design and decided on selling didgeridoos to the Inuit peoples of SIberia!”

Another sneaky attempt by them corporate-types at including science-based words in their lingo. Cross-pollination, otherwise known as pollination, is the process by which pollen is transferred in the reproduction of plants, thereby enabling fertilisation and sexual reproduction - in case you didn’t know. But in the business world, switch the word pollen with idea and plants with, um, business, and keep the rest, and it’s basically the same thing.

I’m gonna stop now. 

  1. mbaisms-blog posted this