August 30, 2014
Long Weekend

 My mom approves of my haircut

Then again
She’s approved of some of the worst haircuts ever
So that’s not like it means anything
But what her and my barber said did

“Girls will like this”
As if to say the all the words that come from my mouth are red flags
When it’s the truth
So it’ll sit easier now that I have an edge-up and trimmed beard?
I fucking doubt that
I’m still the flower on the wall
Just slightly more presentable

She slips 50 bucks in my pocket
While my father slurps up College Football
So “America”
Just like me being a 21 yr old black man is so “America”
He wanted to keep me from the streets
But I have more of a home there than this contradiction
Putting money into non-living things
While my college fund sat empty

So don’t mind me
I’ll be right here
Reading and weeping

  1. ianomoly posted this