Episode 25 - By: Sara Rotter, Halstead Property Executive Director of Sales Downtown.
During the day, have you ever thought - “Wow, I really appreciate that I don’t have an ear ache right now?” Huh? You would if you had just...


Episode 25 - By: Sara Rotter, Halstead Property Executive Director of Sales Downtown. 

During the day, have you ever thought - “Wow, I really appreciate that I don’t have an ear ache right now?” Huh?  You would if you had just gotten over one, wouldn’t you?

It’s normal that we do not appreciate things until they are taken away - comfort, emotion, health, something physical, or people in our lives.

Today I was given a beautiful antidote when I was challenged by a friend to write down 100 things that I appreciate in my life.

Sounds simple, right?  Not so simple after you get past the obvious - health, happiness, family, friends, loved ones, safety…etc.

By #78 I really started digging and something cool happened - the simple things came to mind that I often take so for granted or even get annoyed at when they are mixed with a negative experience – like the phone ringing off the hook, elevator not moving fast enough, or a shoe blistering my foot. Well, those are the very things I started feeling thankful for - the phone so I could call my loved ones; the elevator in my building that takes me up 24 floors day in and out; the ability to walk on the pavement with shoes. Simple. It hit me, and how timely- the day before September 11th, 2001- those very basic things were so cherished on that sad day.

The only silver lining to that day and every day is - appreciation for EVERYTHING- big and “small!”  How about - the ability to smile, living in a free society, diversity, love, music, phones, the sun, lights, flowers, books, photosynthesis, pets, clear skies, you name it!  And let’s not forget one of my favorites - our beloved, resilient, never sleepy New York City!

Offering all of the beloved souls & rescue heroes who departed too soon on 9/11 endless honor and appreciation as well as strength and love to their loved ones.

In their honor, I welcome you to take the 100 things I appreciate challenge. Please share your findings over email with me if you do!

Connect and network with Sara via email or on her executive profile page.


Thoughts of Sales and The City are those of Sara Rotter and do not necessarily reflect official opinions of Halstead Property, LLC