“Insane intake
Somebody got carried away there…


Insane intake

Somebody got carried away there…

  1. mega-e3 reblogged this from musclecardreaming
  2. copythatt reblogged this from musclecardreaming and added:
    Holy blowers!
  3. jeffzie reblogged this from musclecardreaming and added:
    Somebody got carried away there…
  4. carguycarl reblogged this from musclecardreaming
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  11. octopusdropkick reblogged this from musclecardreaming and added:
    punch it
  12. strawberry666swagger reblogged this from musclecardreaming
  13. gangster-72 reblogged this from musclecardreaming
  14. spanktheceo said: That’s my boys car
  15. ninjachevelle-blog reblogged this from musclecardreaming
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  21. musclecardreaming posted this

This is not a blog, and has nothing to do with my professional life... go to LinkedIn for that.

What I have here is stuff I like: motorbikes, cars, cooking, camping, music and art. I'm fully aware I fetishise stuff.

Hopefully in a way that isn't unhealthy. Enjoy.

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