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McCartney speaking to Lennon on two occasions before performing ’Here Today’

  1. datclassicrockfan42 reblogged this from speedwayy
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  4. merrysithmas said: lol people in the tags asking if hes talking to LINDA!!! delulu i swear. it’s quite literally the song he wrote FOR JOHN. Linda seemed like a great and cool lady, and she of all people likely knew how rabbithole-levels insane for each other John&Paul were. she’s in Animal Sanctuary Heaven eating a vegetarian taco whipping the wrapper at John’s head “our stupid husband is talking to the sky about you again lol”
  5. fkajohnlennon said: @origami-money thanks for the link!
  6. origami-money said: @fkajohnlennon in the second clip paul is talking about how he wrote the song for john immediately before the β€œare you listening, babe?” so i have no idea why a couple people in the tags say he’s talking to linda, lol. (video here:…)
  7. oedipuscomplexes reblogged this from toramona1964
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