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“Hi there. My name is Chris and until just now I was running this blog. What seemed like a fun idea for a weekend of dogshaming humor has turned into a cultural phenomenon that, sadly, I have neither the time nor inclination to pursue all...


Hi there. My name is Chris and until just now I was running this blog. What seemed like a fun idea for a weekend of dogshaming humor has turned into a cultural phenomenon that, sadly, I have neither the time nor inclination to pursue all the dang time. Still it would be unjust — shameful really — not to let Dogshaming blossom to its fullest flower, so I’m handing the keys over to someone else who can give this blog the attention it deserves. Please support your new dogshamer-in-cheif. I will let the new boss reveal his/her/its identity, or not, and reveal any new policies or directions, or not. I’m sure there will still be dogs getting rightfully shamed. After all there’s still a couple dozen posts in the queue and about two hundred more yet to review. Many thanks to all the people who sent in their dogs to be shamed, and rest assured they will get theirs. Enjoy the rest of your summer and peace out.

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