Photo post
Here’s an original poster stamp for Bauhaus and modernist architecture enthusiasts.
Held in 1927, Die Wohnung (The Dwelling) was a Deutscher Werkbund exhibition that became a key moment in the emergence of the International Style.
Bauhaus founder...

Here’s an original poster stamp for Bauhaus and modernist architecture enthusiasts.

Held in 1927, Die Wohnung (The Dwelling) was a Deutscher Werkbund exhibition that became a key moment in the emergence of the International Style.

Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Peter Behrens, Bruno Taut, Mart Stam and J.J.P Oud were among the architects invited by project director Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe to create buildings for an entire estate of progressive buildings specially created in the Weissenhof suburb of Stuttgart.

Despite damage during WW2 and subsequent unsympathetic urban regeneration many of the buildings of the Weissenhofsiedlung (Weissenhof Estate) have been restored and two have been shortlisted for UNESCO heritage status reflecting the site’s international architectural significance.

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