Fox News uses these two graphics to suggest that the media is getting it wrong on global warming. One problem: they’re not measuring the same thing. 

The map on the right is the absolute minimum temperature from March 20, 2013. The map on the left is measuring which temperatures were above average or below average in that month and is NOT a temperature chart.

If the map on the left was measuring temperature, the average temperature in Minnesota in March of 2012 would have been over 100 degrees

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    And again I am not surprised. Although sometimes I get tired when I see a lot of people assuming that Fox News is stupid...
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    Not to mention that GLOBAL warming does not necessarily mean its going to get warmer in your location. If its getting...
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    Might I add that in 32 years, this was the FIRST and ONLY winter (so far) that I have never seen snow???
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