THE POWER OF CHOOSING THE RIGHT BANANA Did you know that globally, we eat 100 million tons of bananas every year? Bananas are the fourth most important food staple in the world and the fifth most-traded agricultural commodity. Farmers who produce...


Did you know that globally, we eat 100 million tons of bananas every year? Bananas are the fourth most important food staple in the world and the fifth most-traded agricultural commodity. Farmers who produce Fairtrade certified bananas are guaranteed a Fairtrade minimum price to cover the costs of sustainable production and a Fairtrade Premium to invest in projects in their communities. Choosing Fairtrade bananas helps farmers build better futures for themselves, and improves working conditions around the world – that’s the Power of You.

Here is an inspiring story of a family banana farm in the province of El Oro, Ecuador from our partners at Fairtrade Canada.


In 1956, after completing his studies, the President of Sociedad Agrícola Prieto (SAPRIET), Aurelio Prieto Calderón, returned to his home province of El Oro, Ecuador (the Gold Province) to apply his newly acquired knowledge to the traditional farming practices used on his father’s farm. Slowly but surely, Señor Calderón began to use a small portion of the profits to improve the land to get, not only, greater productivity but also a higher quality of “green gold” bananas. Other companies and farmers in the region, in an effort to increase profitability, began introducing banana trees into El Oro from other countries and regions. Unfortunately, in some cases these new trees also brought with them diseases that soon spread to the domestic species, which made it necessary to apply of a number of pesticides and chemicals. Witnessing a deterioration in working conditions and how the application of these new chemicals was negatively affecting the health of his coworkers, Señor Calderón chose a different path for his company, that of Fairtrade Certified production. They achieved Fairtrade status in 2004, and became certified organic in 1999.

Mr. Prieto Senior


From humble beginnings, SAPRIET now has approximately 250 employees working on 340 hectares. SAPRIET grows Fairtrade and organic certified Cavendish bananas. As production is from January to August, seasonal climactic factors can cause variations in the size of the harvest; however an average 430,000 pounds of bananas per weeks is collected and packaged for sale in international and domestic markets. A much smaller amount of organic cocoa is also grown and sold. To encourage crop diversification, papaya, plantains, peppers, rice, yucca (root), corn, and a variety of fruit is grown and sold at a discounted rate to the employees. Cattle, sheep and poultry are also raised to be sold at the employee’s market.

Plantation de bananiers


Although the Prieto Agricultural Group is a family owned company, all employees and workers benefit through a self administered employee and worker association. Together the company and the employee and worker association utilize the Fairtrade Premium to operate five basic aid programs: education, health, nutrition, housing as well as culture and sports. 


All employees, workers and their children have the option of receiving a free education. Workers can also attend free workshops which teach them skills in electrical, mechanical, cosmetology and handicrafts while the children learn English, mathematics and useful computer skills.

Fillettes des membres de la coopératve à l'école


Employees and their children also benefit from an internal insurance system. This allows them to access a permanent on-site doctor, a fully stocked pharmacy, a dentist, a rehydration room, and also the assurance that a first-aid kit is always close by should an accident occur while employees are working away from the main farm. Proper nutrition is greatly encouraged through the operation of a mini market offering discounted food operated by the employee and worker association. In instances where employees lack the money to buy the necessary foods, they can take what they need by using a credit system. Through its Happy Family program, the company and the employee and worker association also helps employees to buy their own land or to improve or build their own home.

Centre médical

Financial support

Also after a minimum of seven years of employment, employees are entitled to a $4000 USD bonus to improve their living situation.

Culture and sports promotion

In addition to the benefits above, which help employees meet their basic needs, employees are also encouraged to participate in cultural programs such as play and regularly organized sporting tournaments. One of the most unique undertakings of the company is the employee and worker association’s internal Olympics. During this event, teams of both men and women begin by parading an Olympic flame around the property and then participate in such events as a parade of uniforms, a La Fuerza de la Unión (Strength of Union Marathon) and several other sporting competitions. Awards are given in categories: men, women and seniors as well as an award for the best team and its queen.

Madame Nury Sandoval récolte un régime de bananes