

omg somebody write me a human AU where derek is basically a hermit who lives out in the woods and stiles buys the property next to his and worms his way into his life or something. THIS IS BASICALLY AN EXCUSE FOR AN EVEN MORE RUGGED DEREK WHO WEARS WOOL BEANIES AND PLAID ALRIGHT. BONUS POINTS IF HE HAS A CAT. AND SMOKES.

Not exactly as requested but I tried. I’ll probably write more of this eventually because there is really just so much porn to be had, I can’t even.


The first thing Derek ever says to his new neighbor is, “You’re going to die.”

It’s probably not the best opener, Derek will admit to himself later, but his conversational skills are a little rusty. His face has probably forgotten how to wear normal expressions, too, since there hasn’t been anybody around for him to wear them for. His new neighbor doesn’t suffer from any such limitation: that pale, mole-dotted face is eloquent in the way it flickers from surprise to disbelief to actual fear.

Derek’s resting face makes him look like a serial killer. He’s aware of it — Laura’s made sure of that, many times, in a variety of humiliating ways — he just hasn’t had to worry about it in awhile. Maybe a long while. And maybe he’s never worried about it, per se.

“Uh, what are you. Um,” the other guy says, and at least Derek isn’t the only terrible conversationalist around here. When the guy finally gives up on the sentence, his mouth winds up just hanging open. It shouldn’t be attractive, but it is. It really is.

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