Tough day for a Mexican-American …


This might be a foolish post, but I find myself explaining to everyone every time US and Mexico play why I support both teams.

My Mexican friends give me shit all the time for it. “How could you support the US?” “You’re Mexican …US Soccer sucks” “Donovan is gay”

My American friends … Well most of them sadly don’t support US soccer so they’re often confused. “Wait you actually like US soccer?” “Are you not Mexican?” “Do we even actually have a good team?” “I bet we suck”

The truth is I do. I support both teams and to be honest I find myself following the US soccer team more than Mexico’s team. I was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. My mother was born/raised in San Antonio and my father was born/raised in Coahuila Mexico. I’ve played soccer my entire life. 

It is easy to understand why I support Mexico’s team. Mexico is generally the better team. Soccer is bigger in Mexico. I’m Mexican. It’s pretty simple. I guess the real question is why on earth would I support the US soccer team? They are not usually the better team. No one in the United States really follows soccer, but I am American! I'am American and I enjoy soccer. Why would I not support the US soccer team? I understand that in the past years the US soccer team has not been the greatest, but it is growing and we are getting better. The only way the US is going to get better is if we continue to support it. It would be disappointing if I didn’t  and would not be helping the cause. 

Like I said… this post might be foolish. I’m Mexican American and I’ll continue to support both teams. The game tonight will be fun. Let the best team win.


soccer worldcup qualifier mexico usa futbol mexicanamerican