
This is ground zero for everything Wendy Day related.

If you are looking to contact her...it's linked here.

If you are looking for one of her websites...it's linked here.

Looking to buy her books?...linked here.

Want to find her flickr photos?...you guessed it, here. Need to find her iPhone App? Here, too.

Everything you need to get your stalk on, is sitting right here.

Have at it, and enjoy!!


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Wendy Day founded the not-for-profit Rap Coalition in March of 1992, out of disgust for the way urban artists are unfairly exploited in the music industry. Wanting to shift the balance of power to favor the artists, Wendy dumped her life savings (selling her condo, her stocks and bonds, and her BMW) into starting the advocacy organization to support, educate, protect, and unify hip hop artists and producers–in other words, to keep artists from getting jerked.  She began listening to rap music as a fan in the early 1980s, and turned her passion for rap music into a career in the music business.

Since 1992, Rap Coalition has impacted the urban music industry by helping, for free, thousands of artists, DJs, and producers individually, as well as through monthly panel discussions, seminars, demo listening sessions, cipher sessions, showcases, and fair deal negotiations. Today, Rap Coalition breaks unfairly oppressive contracts (pulling artists out of bad deals with record labels, production companies, and managers), and teaches the business side of the music industry to thousands of artists and industry hopefuls from around the country; in the past Rap Coalition has also offered health care and dental benefits, coordinated the panels at many of the major urban music conventions, and has instituted a mentor program combining up and coming artists with established artists.


  1. wdayrapco posted this

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