January 31, 2014

Albanians are generally conservative when it comes to sexuality. But with increasing awareness of LGBT rights and government support, these conservative views are slowly dissipating. Last week, the PCVs in my area gathered some students from the high school to be part of a presentation on equality, sexuality, and respect given by a fellow PCV and a local NGO focused on LGBT rights. It began with a discussion of stereotypes, and about embracing people for who they are, and ended with a discussion on LGBT rights in the community. For many of these students, it was their first time talking about this topic; watching them decipher what the information meant while speaking to an openly gay Albanian about his experience. After the presentation, speaking with the team that gave the presentation, they were proud of how the students acted in the class and made a note to say that even though the students may not have been very vocal during the presentation the information discussed would leave a lasting impression on them. And that, as a PCV in Albania, is what I hope for. Lasting impressions.