March 4, 2014
Close of Service Conference, 2014. Last week, Group 15 and a few Group 14 Extendees that we’ve come to know and love got together in Korce for our COS Conference. Preparing us for the post-PC world, the four-day conference walked us through some...

Close of Service Conference, 2014. Last week, Group 15 and a few Group 14 Extendees that we’ve come to know and love got together in Korce for our COS Conference. Preparing us for the post-PC world, the four-day conference walked us through some things we’re likely to encounter, like reverse culture-shock, and explained some opportunities we have as RPCVs. It was also a chance for my group to get together one last time. It had been almost a year since I had seen some of the faces and it was like coming home and coming full-circle around to PST. It was a grand affair, but also one that we left a little more subdued. For many of us, it was the last hoorah before leaving Albania and our PC Family. I officially have a COS date in May and am starting the bittersweet countdown.