brianMKandrew   greeted @ door by housekeeper “Ibrahim, come eat fufu with me” as we silently ate the messy goo from same bowl i relized this was our 2nd d8

brianMKandrew   just rode by a guy wearing an Oregon track jersey. shouted “go ducks!” but no response

brianMKandrew   best nites 4 goin out? typical answers: every nite, wed-sun, any nite but mon. fact is many dont work/sleep till noon so its always weekend

brianMKandrew   Mos Def will be at John Obey Beach a week from Friday. i’m mos definitely tryin to go

brianMKandrew  praise the Lord! it took an online software purchase in an african internet cafe to do it, but i recovered all the footage from today. phew.

brianMKandrew   inventd Salone Iced Latte. pour packet of Nescafe in2 a mug, then spray cold bagwater superhard in2 it, water presure makes it nice & frothy

brianMKandrew   bike taxi home has become a highlight of my day. playing chicken with oncoming bike taxis swerving thru lanes of traffic is a rush

brianMKandrew   people who live in compound i stay @ call me IB, short for Ibrahim, a misunderstanding of “I’m Brian.” its ok confusion over names is mutual

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