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Erin knits, nerds, exists →



I’m sitting here trying figure out a way to make large portions of the earth’s surface uninhabitable for humans.

hm. gas is hard to do cause it isnt static and its toxicity lifetime is relatively short. gases are susceptible to air currents which would make it spread, [so…

I really like the idea of keeping the people confined to a small area, feeling trapped is a major theme and I’d like my apocalypse to work with that. Hence making the land uninhabitable.

At the same time I don’t want people going hungry, which is why I wanna keep the land arable. I’m playing with other forms of deprivation here, but I feel like “starve the oppressed people” is overdone. Overdone for good reasons, but still overdone.

A couple people have said radiation and I was thinking of looking at severe ozone layer depletion, which is along the same lines.

Posted on 16 September 2014, at 9.06am with 12 notes
reblogged from avatarstateyipyip, originally by literateknits
filed under: #writing #science