January 3, 2013
January 3, 2013 - True Kindness

Today, I came across with a 1983 Archie classic issue entitled “Ace Place”. It was an episode when Pop Tate was thinking of closing the “Choklit Shoppe” because its fame was fading. Archie and the Gang feared that they may lose their favorite hang out place so they planned to help Pop restore his soda shop. Everyone contributed. Reggie painted the surrounding. Veronica asked her dad for free advertisements. Archie, Jughead and Betty redesigned the place.


(Photo taken from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/0d/Archieandrwcmc.png)

It was a success. In no time, the place was crowded with customers. Pop Tate looked for the gang to thank them but he found them sad. He said, “Gee! You don’t look happy.” And Archie replied, “We’re not. Now that your store is so busy and crowded, our gang no longer has a place to hang out in!”

I realized two important lessons from reading the comics:

1. Sometimes, we get so busy and preoccupied with our works that we forget the real reason why we are doing these things in the first place.

2. Sometimes, real kindness should not expect for rewards–doing it is reward in itself.