Das Racist Guide to NYC Soup Dumplings

Joe’s Shanghai Soup Dumplings, Midtown Manhattan

You would think that bands would want to go to fancy, super expensive lunches when their record labels are picking up the tab.  Not so for Das Racist.  They like soup dumplings, according to this Rolling Stone interview.

Himanshu Suri: “We like having soup dumplings for all our music meetings, because they’re a humbling food.”

Ashok Kondabolu: “Soup dumplings: the Gushers of Asian cuisine. The secret ingredient is fear… There’s a spot where you can get four dumplings for a dollar – Vanessa’s Dumpling House [at 118 Eldridge St. on the Lower East Side].”

Suri: “I guess Joe’s Shanghai [at 136-21 37th Avenue in Flushing, 24 W 56 Street in Midtown or 9 Pell Street in Chinatown] is the place to say. But we also fuck with Shanghai Cafe [100 Mott St in  hinatown], and M Shanghai in Brooklyn [292 Grand St] is not too bad.”

UPDATE: Confirmed via Eater…  “When we don’t have to pay we like going to eat soup dumplings but when we do have to pay we also like going to eat soup dumplings.”

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