June 5, 2013
When people think Downtown Sioux Falls is too dangerous.

At first I’m like:


And then:


  1. deactivatedhb said: Downtown ain’t that bad
  2. smbergeronsf reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  3. helbyfitz reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  4. midwestern-cliche reblogged this from midwestfuckyeah
  5. madinmedschool reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog and added:
    Really feeling this post right now… my mom bought me some mace the other day. Me carrying mace around is more dangerous...
  6. midwestfuckyeah reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  7. sowheresashley reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  8. skg373 reblogged this from emilylikesturtles
  9. thenickkontz reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  10. awskii reblogged this from johnnytheophilus and added:
    Hahahaha. Only because my nigga is playing ball there.
  11. intotheforestigo reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  12. johnnytheophilus reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog and added:
    but rly:
  13. emilylikesturtles reblogged this from wheninsiouxfalls-blog
  14. wheninsiouxfalls-blog posted this