3 Reasons To Ramp Up Your Holiday-Season B2B Marketing Efforts

‘Tis the season to be marketing…or is it?image

Actually, we notice that a lot of companies cut back on their B2B marketing activities this time of year. It’s an understandable trend: Team members scatter, Q4 budgets begin to wind down and executives focus on the year ahead.

But are there some missed opportunities here? I think so. Here’s why.

First, consider that a time of year when most B2B companies take their marketing and advertising down a notch might be the perfect time for you to buck the trend. You’ll get increased visibility compared to your competitors, and you just might get a stronger ROI on your campaigns.

Second, does it really make sense to miss an opportunity to influence your customers’ crucial buying decisions during the first quarter of 2013? If we’re serious about getting ahead of longer buying cycles, then this is precisely the time when you should be launching campaigns aimed at driving 2013 revenue.

Finally, this is a good opportunity to build brand awareness by lightening up a bit and having some fun. Clever, lighthearted holiday-themed communications go over well with many prospects – as long as you emphasize “light” and steer clear of any religious or cultural red-flag messages.

Your own B2B marketing budgets might be tight, and it can be a challenge to run campaigns at a time of year when your team may be short-handed. But with a bit of creativity – and, of course, the right marketing technology mix – you might convince Santa to drop a big box of red-hot holiday leads down your sales team’s chimney.

Happy Thanksgiving!

-Matthew McKenzie

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