A funny thing happened after the Mogo Pro game controller showed up on my doorstep about a month ago: I stopped using all my tablets. Their batteries ran out, and I didn’t bother taking them with me on trips. Suddenly, my HTC One, strapped onto the Moga Pro, was the only entertainment I needed. The tablets I’d relied on before had become redundant.

The Moga Pro is a $50 game controller with a clip that folds out from the middle and clasps onto nearly any Android phone. Essentially, it turns the phone into a portable gaming system.

But for what games? These days, there’s a surprisingly decent amount of controller-supported games in the Google Play Store, from grindy RPGs like Eternity Warriors to racing games like Riptide GP to twin-stick shooters like Expendables: Rearmed. If you’re into classic games–and have no moral qualms about emulators–Moga Pro can become a portable NES, Genesis, Playstation or Nintendo 64 as well.

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