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starry-eyed thought from 2009, now laughably dated.

I did write this in February of 2009 and had high hopes. I’ve since reverted to thinking any president is a quickly-greying finger puppet with a million fingers up his ass.

It was originally titled “a joke?.rtf” and I’m now seeing that as the only bit of prescience contained herein.

upon the realization of Obama being a beneficial force for world economics and a breath of less-stale air:

“Now what I want to say -  Or shout even -  Into the faces of the fucks who claimed that what we needed to revitalize everything was more of the exact same shit that fucked it up in the first place – is ‘hey.  You remember saying that?  You remember being really really wrong and stupid?  How’s it feel now, dummy?  I got a packet of salt in my pocket here to make those words you’re eating taste better.’

"But I can’t… there are far too many of them and I’m far too unmotivated.  So I’ll say it to you instead.  

"Y'see my hope is that if enough of us THINK it, then perhaps those rotten shills screaming garbage, hatred and propaganda on the TV will smack their heads a little more often when climbing out of their BMWs and Mercedes every morning.  Or scuff their brand new Italian shoes when they dodge a bum in the street.  Or maybe they’ll choke a little on their morning glass of imported puppy tears.  

"Yeah, now that’s fucking karmic justice!”