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Day 22

Three weeks down, one to go!

Today we begin week 4!

During this last week, Fire Cadets have graduated to become Firefighters!

Firefighters, you keep doing what you’re doing!

Volunteer Firefighters, how are you feeling? Keep up the good work!

Can you believe how fast the time has flown by?!

The finish line is in sight (if that is what you are looking for)!

Give it your ALL straight to the finish line!

Looking back, we have SO MUCH to be proud of!

We have thrown to the curb dairy, meat and refined foods (including oils)!

In their place, we have picked up powerful super heroes: vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes –that support and restore our health with friendly plant protein, wholesome complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fabulous fiber and powerful phytonutrients!

Make no mistake about it, you are earning your health and Engine 2 is SO HAPPY that you have made it a priority in your life at this time.

It is well worth any short-term sacrifices you’ve made and the longer you are plant-strong, the more it will become a natural extension of your lifestyle.

There are no shortcuts (or magic pills) when it comes to stellar health and you are beating all of the preconceptions and stereotypes of how Americans should eat.

Again, Engine 2 truly appreciates each of you for having an open mind and allowing E2 to become a way of life for a country whose health is coming apart at the seams.

Right before our eyes.

Thanks for showing up in life!


* This information is solely for educational purposes and is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. Before starting any diet or exercise program, you should talk to your doctor or healthcare professional. You should regularly consult a doctor or healthcare

professional in all matters relating to your health, and particularly with respect to any symptoms or concerns that may require diagnosis or medical attention.