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Trustee Jon Kamen gets WIRED


In an Ideas Bank piece in the August issue of Wired UK, RISD Trustee Jon Kamen makes a compelling case for the importance of adding Art to STEM education (better known at RISD as the STEAM initiative).

In the brief article, called Creativity is the missing ingredient in education, Kamen points out that:

“Companies have been desperately seeking [creativity] since the last depression. Creative thinking leads to innovation, and innovation leads to success. Sure, science, technology, engineering and maths are necessary, but without the initial creative stimulus for solving a problem or imagining the possible, nothing would ever be accomplished.”

In addition to being a trustee, Kamen is chairman and CEO of @radical media and his son is a RISD alum: Zack Kamen 09 ID.

[illustration by Ellie Forman Peck]

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