August 31, 2014


The Hunger Games MBTI

Katniss Everdeen —> ISFJ

ISFJs enjoy structure and strive to maintain this order in all areas of their lives. While people with this personality type are introverted and tend to be quiet, they are keen observers and are focused on other people. Because they are so perceptive, ISFJs are good at remembering details about other people. Those with this personality type are particularly well-tuned in to the emotions and feelings of others.  Because they are quiet, people sometimes misinterpret this as standoffish behavior. As Keirsey notes, this is far from the truth. ISFJs are known for their compassion and caring for others, often working to secure the safety and well-being of other people without asking for thanks or anything in return.  Because they are hard-working, dependable and rarely seek accolades for their own accomplishments, ISFJs are sometimes taken for granted by those around them. In some cases, people might even try to take advantage of this reliability.  While ISFJs are good at understanding the emotions, they often struggle to express their own feelings. Rather than share their feelings, they may bottle them up, sometimes to the point that negative feelings toward other people can result. When dealing with life struggles such as illness or the death of a loved one, they may keep quiet about what they are experiencing in order to avoid burdening others with their troubles.  ISFJs tend to have a small group of very close friends. While they may be quiet and reserved around people they don’t know well, they are more likely to “let loose” when they are around these close confidants. They place a high value on these close friendships and are always willing to support and care for the people they are close to.

(via loving-mellark-deactivated20180)

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    You know you’re in deep when you think, “I want to see a ISFJ’s character development after a whole series,”
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