June 18, 2013

Anonymous asked: I'm sorry but you DO REALIZE that "where your treasure is, there will be your heart also" is from the BIBLE, right? Yes? Okay.

Actually, I did not realize that the quote on that headstone was from the Bible as well.  I actually have not read the bible all the way through, some of the passages I read years ago, and I’m not sure if I have the same edition as what J. K. Rowling used.  

I think, rather than being angry that I credited the quote to J. K. Rowling, we can use the two headstone quotes to open a discussion of the possibility of Wizards being christians.  

Harry believes that it is Albus who chose the quote for Ariana and Kendra. That means that the Dumbledore family had a bible in the household.  Perhaps it was a favorite quote of Kendra? I know my great-grandmother underlined her favorite bible passages. 

Now, who chose the quote for the Potters?  Perhaps it was Petunia, but it seems unlikely that she would have chosen such a quote.  Sirius or Remus?  Maybe it was written in their wills that they wanted “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” as the quote on their headstone.  It was a time of war, so having a will at 20 does not seem like an outlandish idea.  

Who picked out the quote? Lily or James? Maybe they cuddled on the couch on Sunday mornings reading the bible together.  Or they read the bible in bed together.  Perhaps when they reached Song of Songs Lily read the Beloved parts and James read the Lover, before they started cuddling and kissing each other.  

If you could give me the book, chapter, and verse I will gladly edit that post and give credit to the bible as well.