June 19, 2013


Harry Potter Treats

Yer a wizard Amanda. The four words that were never once said to me *sadness*. However, we can make up for that! Imagine my immense joy at having found recipes straight from Hogwarts, Hogsmeade and Honeydukes. I might have squealed a bit. From Acid Pops to Chocolate Frogs to Licorice Wands to Cockroach Clusters to Butterbeer and BUTTERBEER CUPCAKES. Wut. And as an added bonus some Caldron Cakes if you ever feel like taking a Potions class. It’s okay to cry; I know how you feel. I’m dying to make these too. You can thank me later.

Recipe for sweets here. And for ButterbeerButterbeer Cupcakes, and Cauldron Cakes.

(via eatingthesand)

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