December 19, 2012
STOP the 2012 “end-of-the-world” madness. The whole premise is rude and insensitive to the many who still follow the old count and it’s associated spiritual philosophy.
The “end of the world” myth is propagated by the mass media who thinks that it...

STOP the 2012 “end-of-the-world” madness. The whole premise is rude and insensitive to the many who still follow the old count and it’s associated spiritual philosophy. 

The “end of the world” myth is propagated by the mass media who thinks that it makes a good story and benefits from keeping people unsettled. The “2012” in fact has nothing to do with the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new calendar count, the opportunity to “break the old vessel” and start anew, with a new commitment to improving our world and ourselves. 

The old ‘prophecy’ has nothing to do with destruction. On the other hand, it has everything to do with owning up to the incredible realities of our modern era, and using the amazing advances in technology and knowledge to fix our problems and make this world into the paradise that we know it can be. The breathtaking level of connectivity and knowledge brought forth through the internet etc. are “right on schedule” to help us achieve a world that could have never even conceived of just a few decades ago. 

I leave you with a photo of my beautiful mother, a great teacher and moon-dancer in the “Mexicanidad” tradition. In the photo, she is burning copal in the first ever 'Congreso del Regreso de Quetzalcoatl’ in the Mexican Senate in 2007.

  1. tshaneke posted this