Omote “living makeup” uses projection mapping on model’s face.

I suppose one good thing to come of Google Glass once it comes back (that evolves to Google Contacts that evolves to Google Corneal Implants) could be…

…if the physical attractiveness we see would be reflective of someone’s soul (intentions), or it aligned with our own very specific ‘ideals’…rather than a haphazard pairing of the two as it seems is ‘natural’ now.

Rendering attributes of flesh and bone structure moot, it would be the ultimate full-circle for makeup: from what could be otherwise seen as a more ‘shallow’, aesthetic tool to disguise – to a way to completely remove the primitive barriers of physical perception and attraction. So we would see people for who that are, or for who they are at their best that also instigates our best selves – without regard to their physicality or presentation. 

In certain situations – it could even move to a default 'generic’ program where everyone appears exactly the same, features-wise. This would leap over human propensity for bias.

That way, the beauty industry could become all about depth, and about real beauty, in the end. Imagine that.


  1. temporaryorbit posted this